Are you considering membership in our church? Wonderful! Membership has great advantages, but also responsibilities. This guide can help you decide if membership is right for you.
Membership indicates that you are in agreement with the church's Statement of Purpose which includes the seven UU Principles. Becoming a member is a heart-felt decision, one that is not taken lightly. Ours is a non-creedal faith. We do not ask our members to accept a particular religious doctrine, but we do support and encourage their religious and spiritual growth.
First Steps
Before becoming a member, we request that you attend several services. If you have children please arrive at church by 9:45 a.m. so you can find the appropriate classrooms. An usher can escort you to the Religious Education building.

Upon arrival please go to the Welcome Table, located at the back of the sanctuary, to receive a Visitor Information Packet. If you need assistance with anything, look for the greeters who have yellow name tags. These folks are prepared to answer your questions and help you feel at home. After the service, visit the Information Table in the dining room during coffee hour. There you can complete a Visitor Information Card, which alerts our Membership Committee that you want additional information or assistance.
At the Information Table there are many free pamphlets about the history of Unitarian Universalism, our church, and its activities. You may also ask to receive monthly newsletters or get a name tag.
Follow-Up Visits
Please come and visit us as often as you can so that you get to know us, participate in church activities, and determine if the church is your spiritual home.
When you hear a voice inside say, "This is my religious home" and when you no longer view yourself as a guest, it is time to think about becoming a member. New members bring our church community new ideas, new thoughts, and new views - the very essence of growth.
Gifts & Talents Survey
We invite all members and friends to fill out the Gifts and Talents Survey completely so that we may update our database of resources. Feel free to update this as needed so that we can ensure the information in the database is always correct. Thank you for taking a few moments to fill this out. (Survey will open in a new tab or window.)
Making Connections

There are several groups that meet on a regular basis to connect on a more personal level than at coffee hour, Sunday service or committee meetings. Here are a few to choose from:
- Covenant Groups - small groups that meet monthly to discuss a specific topic
- Meditation Group - silent sitting meditation for beginners and advanced practitioners
- Circle Dinners - small groups that get together for social conversation and a meal
- Lit-Wits - a year-round group that meets to discuss chosen books
- Men's Group - a small group that promotes friendship
We also offer two other events that enable you to get better acquainted with the people of our church.

Cardigan Weekend happens in the winter. We have use of the lodge on Mt. Cardigan for a weekend of relaxation and snow sports. This is a wonderful event for families and singles.

In June our church goes to Ferry Beach in Maine for a cooperative weekend of fun. Ferry Beach Weekend signals the start of summer for our church. Families and singles enjoy getting together during Ferry Beach Weekend to sing songs, enjoy the beach, work on puzzles, play cards and other games, or just hang out.
Joining the Church
You begin the membership process by completing a Membership Intent Form at the Information Table. This will let us know that you are ready to move forward. You will be contacted for a personal meeting with our minister and membership coordinator.
Our minister will answer your questions about our church and our Unitarian Universalist Association. Our membership coordinator will help you identify those areas of interest that will make your membership in our church community a richer experience.
Pathway to Unitarian Universalism
The Pathway to Unitarian Universalism series is a good way to learn about the church and Unitarian Universalism. It's usually offered twice each year, during the fall and again during the spring.
Facilitated by our minister and church members, the multi-week series explores our religious journeys and provides an overview of the
- principles and history of Unitarian Universalism, and the
- history, programs, and activities of the Nashua church.
It's also an opportunity to meet and get to know people in a relaxed and informal small-group setting.

Welcoming Ceremony
A New Member Welcoming Ceremony is presented at various times of the church year during our worship service on Sunday morning. This is your presentation to our community and the congregation formally welcomes you into membership. At this time you will sign the Membership Book.
Benefits of Membership
Membership in our church brings with it the benefits of belonging to a growing spiritual community. Only members can vote in congregational elections. The more members we have, the more influence we can have as a liberal religious body in our own community and in the world.
Benefits include:
- Subscription to the UU World magazine
- Subscription to the NH/VT District Newsletter
- Use of facilities for special ceremonies (e.g. weddings, funerals, child dedication)
- Reduced rates on renting facilities for special occasions
- Early registration for White Wing Preschool
- Serving as a church officer, member of the Board of Trustees, or member of the Minister's Advisory Committee
Responsibilities of Membership
We ask that you join one of our committees to meet other members and become aware of what our church is doing in the community. By joining a committee you will meet new people and make a few friends, put your talents to use, and feel like a part of our community. Feel free to contact the membership coordinator for more information on the various committees.
Other opportunities for involvement include:
- Fall cleanup of church grounds
- Cleanup after activities
- Social Justice
- Child care
- Cooking
- Providing rides to and from church
- Ushering
- Phone calls
- Chalice lighting
- Speaking in church
- Contributing to the newsletter
- Teaching religious education
- Simple Gifts Coffee House
- Joining the choir
- Displaying your artwork
Attend Congregational Meetings
We hold an Annual Meeting of the congregation in June. The voting members of the church elect our church officers, hear reports, and approve a budget. The authority to do these things lies with the congregation itself. All members who are 18 years or more, who have been members for at least 3 months, and who have made a pledge and a financial contribution to the church operating budget within the past 2 years may vote at a congregational meeting. This is your opportunity to speak on the business of the church.
Occasionally a special congregational meeting will be called to discuss and vote on other matters that relate to the church. You are encouraged to attend these as well.
Accept Financial Responsibility
As a part of your membership, we ask that you accept financial responsibility to keep our church in sound financial shape. As a community we acknowledge and accept the responsibility of supporting our church. All members are asked to contribute financially as they are able.
We have giving guidelines that will be in your New Member Packet. Financial
contributions are accepted weekly, monthly, quarterly, or yearly. These arrangements can
be made with our church administrator. Please feel free to contact the church office for more information.