Sunday Service

"The mystery is that we are connected; even when we feel apart. Let us rejoice in the common life that makes of the many, One."
General Information
Regular Sunday services are held in the church sanctuary at 10:00 a.m. during the church year (first Sunday after Labor day until approximately mid-June). The sermon topic and/or service theme is listed in our newsletter and is usually advertised in the Nashua Telegraph.
We stream live Sundays at 10:00am, with repeats at 3:00pm and 7:00pm.
Click here to play.
Follow along with the Order of Service
The children in our Religious Education program join us in the sanctuary for the early part of most of our services, and are usually invited to come together for a "Conversation with the Children". They are then dismissed to go to their classes which end at 11:15.
There's no dress code at our church. You are as likely to find sweaters and blue jeans as you are a shirt and tie or "Sunday Best" attire. We want you to come however you feel most comfortable.
In case of inclement weather, cancellation information is publicized on the church answering machine (603 882-1091), our home page, WMUR TV (Channel 9, Manchester), and WZID radio (95.7 FM).

During the summer months, lay-led services are held in the chapel, located at the far end of the Religious Education wing. Services are held each Sunday except for the Fourth of July and Labor Day weekends. Check the home page or the Religion section of the Nashua Telegraph, or call the church in advance to make sure there is a service scheduled on the day you plan to attend.
Church School/Child Care
Children ages 4 and older are welcome to attend our church school as guests. Please let the RE director or the classroom teacher know that your child will be visiting the class that day.
Child care is available for infants and children age 3 and younger. The ushers will be able to direct or escort you to the child care room (located in the Religious Education wing) if you wish. If you do attend services with an infant or young child, you may want to sit in the back of the church if you should need to make a quick exit. Please be considerate of others attending the service by removing noisy or crying children from the sanctuary.
The Sunday collection is used entirely for community outreach. Recipients have included health clinics, shelters, and rehabilitation facilities.
Our ushers will greet you at the sanctuary doors and are available to assist you with any special requests. They can give you directions to the Religious Education wing if you need child care during the service or have a child who would like to visit a church school class. The ushers can also provide amplification equipment for hearing-impaired persons to use during the service. General seating is available on the main floor and in the balcony.
Also look for the yellow name tags worn by our special Greeters. They'll help you feel especially welcome, answering questions, showing you around the facility, or just chatting.

Guest Book
We invite you to sign our guest book, kept on the Information Table in the dining room. Signing the guest book places you under no obligation; we just like to know who's dropped in to visit with us! Feel free to jot down any comments, suggestions or questions you might have about the service, or the church in general.
Also, please let us know that you read about us on the Web!
Coffee Hour
Immediately following the church service, everyone is invited to the church dining room in the Parish House (which adjoins the church sanctuary) for coffee and conversation. This is a time for people to renew acquaintances, catch up with old friends and make some new ones!
Visitors are encouraged to stop by the Information Table, which is staffed during coffee hour by the Membership committee. If you have any questions about joining the church, or you'd just like to learn more about us, the people at the information table are happy to answer your questions.
More information

We'd Love to Have You Join Us On Sunday!
If any of this has piqued your curiosity, please come visit our church next Sunday. You can call the church office during the week for more information. There is also an answering machine off-hours. We hope to see you soon -- please let us know that you read about us here on the Web!
Special Services
- Christmas/Winter Solstice
- In Gathering/Water Ceremony (First Service of Church Year)
- Flower Communion (Last Service of Church Year)
- Summer Services
Information for People With Special Needs
- Wheelchair accessibility
- Assistance for hearing impaired people
- Large-print Hymnals
First three photographs on this page are by Harry Purkhiser.