Worship Associates

The Worship Associates work to assure the smooth flow of church services by performing and/or coordinating the details necessary to provide support to the Minister. Members of the group aid the Minister with various elements of the service such as: Words for Reflection, Chalice lighting, and Joys and Concerns. We will often read articles and/or books on the elements of Worship Service to aid us in our endeavors to provide the elements desired for our congregation.
We meet on a monthly basis to evaluate current Worship Services, discussing and exploring ideas we believe will enhance the spiritual and/or personal needs of our congregation. Through involvement and interaction with the congregation, we explore elements that will provide inspiration, education, and transformation for our church members. Our goal is to provide a refuge from daily drudgery; to provide services where each person comes away with something they can hold on to.
It is the responsibility of our group to schedule our Summer Services. We have been sponsoring lay-led services - providing a more relaxed and intimate gathering for our Summer church goers and an opportunity for church members to do service by leading these services. Our summer attendants have enjoyed the diversity of the offerings provided. The Associates want to support the church's attempts at minimizing expense without sacrifice to the quality of service. We have worked in conjunction with the Sabbatical Committee in planning church services during the Minister's absence.
For more information,
contact John Sanders .