Our Interim Minister - Rev. Dr. Janet Newman

Rev. Janet Newman is our Interim Minister. She writes:
I am delighted to have this opportunity of introducing myself to you as your Interim Minister for 2014 - 2015. I look forward to our working well together for a productive bonus year of Interim Ministry!
I grew up in northern Ohio, in a small town on the south shore of Lake Erie. My roots go deep into Canada since my forebears came from there. However, my parents immigrated to the U.S. and raised my two younger brothers and me here.
I did my undergraduate work at Smith College and studied in Spain for a year on the Smith College Junior Year Abroad program. I traveled in Europe during the following summer with Latin American students. In 1967 I graduated with a BA in Hispanic Studies.
I moved to northern Virginia after graduation and began my first profession as a computer programmer/analyst/teacher. I also became an active volunteer in the Unitarian Universalist Church of Arlington, Virginia, serving on the Board of Trustees, in the choir, and on almost every committee of the church.
My husband and I were married in that church, and after his death in a car accident in 1978, I began full-time study at Wesley Theological Seminary, United Methodist, in Washington, DC. I was then the only Unitarian Universalist on campus. In 1980, I moved to Chicago.
I earned my MA from the Divinity School of the University of Chicago in 1982 and my Doctor of Ministry from Meadville/Lombard in 1983. I volunteered at the First Unitarian Church of Chicago, except for the time of my parish internship at what is now the UU Congregation at Shelter Rock, NY.
Before entering the interim ministry, I served as a settled minister. My most recent called position was as Second Minister of All Souls Unitarian Church in Tulsa, OK, the largest congregation in North America.
I have been honored, since 1987, to serve as Interim Minister to many wonderful congregations. If you give me time, I can list them for you!
Janet E. Newman